You can purchase pages for $0.50 each. We also offer packs of pages allowing you to access the pages at a discounted rate.
As some of the puzzles, word games and quizzes in the Loopy Library can be challenging, we would suggest they are suitable for children aged 8 years +.
The topics covered are varied and present facts and information that isn't always common knowledge and can often be quite obscure, so even parents have found they learn something too!
As the pages and puzzles are mostly word-based, they also make great worksheets for those learning english as a second language, at an intermediate to advanced level.
Yes, we offer a free sample page for you to try out before deciding on signing up for membership.
Click here to download the free page.
No, these pages are not suitable for tablet or computer use as they need to be printed out on paper to be worked on.
Yes, you will need to own a printer (or have access to one) in order to print off the pages.
File format is High Resolution Pdf (300dpi). File size is in inches (height x width).
Full Page 14.17″ x 10.62″
Half page 7.48″ x 10.55″
These pages were originally designed for newspaper publications at these sizes, however both Full Pages and Half Pages are suitable to be printed on Letter size paper for home use.
We have found the puzzles to be suitable for kids 8 years or older, so they do require a basic level of education to be competent enough to complete the puzzles, and the difficulty level varies throughout the pages.
Click here to download a free sample page to try out.
Simply go to your Account Dashboard page and click on Downloads.
This section will show you all pages you have purchased, which can be downloaded again if needed.